Serious music production requires serious tools. Download32 is source for software refill shareware, freeware download - Antamedia HotSpot Software, Barcode Software, DRS 2006 - The radio automation software, Features of KingSmart Hotel Software, KingSmart Hotel Software, etc. Propellerheads Reason 4 ReFill UnPacker CYhPj in 2018. Been there, done that, got mad at it, left it alone. Much less messy than importing the refill sounds, which will endup dumping samples into your user library with no adequate management of those samples.

Have you consider this? It takes a little effort initially, but after two or three template iterations, you'll probably find a great setup, allowing you to take advantage of Reason's tone and internal devices and having Ableton as the sequencer.

I used to create Reason templates that rewire every instrument (midi and audio) into Ableton.